Why are SensorySeeds feminized seeds better?

Modified on: 14/09/2023

When Sensoryseeds entered into commercial agreements with BFS Seeds, it did so because it meant that the quality of the offered seeds would been the result of the selection from not just one, but from two seeds banks. This company in fact, have always been keen on choosing new and astonishing varieties as well as presenting only high-quality products as their winning weapons.

Bigger, Faster, Stronger“: no words better describe what to expect when choosing their regular seeds, selected thanks to American breeders’ expertise. Plants born from these cannabis seeds will be more luxuriant, stronger and resistant; their flowering will take place more quickly and flowers will reach larger size and consistency.

The result is that they will bloom more frequently and will therefore have a greater number of cycles, also because the plant will last longer. The typical features of plants grown from feminised seeds, make it less difficult to cultivate them and therefore these seeds are suitable for beginners who approach the world of cannabis cultivation, without having skills. The only thing worth taking into consideration is the lighting factor, which significantly affects the development of the plant.