Blog: news and curiosity about THC Seeds

The 5 best marijuana films

Modified on: 20/09/2022

Titles to keep in mind for a fun couple of hours It’s no secret that cannabis has suffered from a social stigma for years, not to say decades, due to the psychotropic effect it can induce. However, it is equally valid that the stranglehold of prohibitionism has been gradually loosening lately, not only from legalisation […]

How do cannabis and dopamine interact together?

Modified on: 20/09/2022

The reward system influences our decisions Do you know that feeling of pleasure makes you want to seek out a stimulus repeatedly? Well, in straightforward terms, that’s what dopamine does. The reaction triggers in our bodies can influence our daily decisions based on what we perceive as pleasant and satisfying. In this article, we will […]

What is tetrahydrocannabivarin and its effects

Modified on: 20/09/2022

THCV: cousin molecule of the well-known THC. Similarities and differences The recent success of cannabis products in countries where their production and sale are permitted by law brings important news. The latest? The discovery of a new active ingredient in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabivarin, is currently at the centre of various debates and scientific research. Marijuana, despite […]

The meaning and importance of decarboxylating cannabis

Modified on: 20/09/2022

Everything you want to know about this fundamental process Cannabis decarboxylation. On the surface, this may seem like an unknown and complicated process, but it is not. If you are not a marijuana neophyte, I do not doubt that you have already experienced it, probably without knowing it. So what is decarboxylation? Why is it […]

How to use litmus paper to measure the pH of cannabis soil

Modified on: 20/09/2022

A journey to discover the importance of ph in cannabis cultivation If you live in a country that allows this and is considering starting your marijuana cultivation, it would be good to find out more about soil pH and its fundamental role in plant growth. Understanding how pH works and managing it effectively is more […]

Which lamps should be used for indoor growing of autoflowering plants?

Modified on: 20/09/2022

Are you curious as to which lamps are most suitable for the proper development of auto-flowering plants? Here is the answer The previous article talked about the photoperiod, photoperiodic plants, and how important it is to respect particular light and dark cycles to encourage their development. This article will focus on auto-flowering and dwarf auto-flowering […]

What does photoperiod mean for plants

Modified on: 20/09/2022

Let’s discover together the importance of the photoperiod for plant development and flowering (including hemp) If you are passionate about plants and like to learn how to take care of them, you will probably have often come across words such as ‘photoperiod’, ‘photoperiodic’ and ‘photoperiodism‘. As the word’s etymology suggests (Der. of Gr. phòs photós […]

Pistils give the signal for the autoflowering harvest.

Modified on: 20/09/2022

Let’s find out together what signs the stigmas may give at harvest time and how reliable they are in autoflowering plants Hemp plants grown from autoflowering seeds are unique in that they begin to flower after around 60-70 days, regardless of the light and dark cycles to which they have been exposed. As the flowers […]

How to obtain compact and dense cannabis buds

Modified on: 20/09/2022

Most cannabis growers want to arrive at harvest with thick, compact buds, but not everyone can. So here we talk about the secrets of the successful ones Hemp cultivation requires a lot of time and resources, but what pays off is the result—a rich and productive harvest. Occasionally, however, things don’t turn out as hoped, […]