Cannabis and sex: the effects of marijuana on intimate relationships

Cannabis and sex: the effects of marijuana

Published on: 10/09/2023


Cannabis use before copulation is a common practice for many people, who praise its effects on the sexual experience.

While cannabis and weed seeds users talk about an increase in sensations and desire, science has not yet provided definitive answers, although there are several studies that confirm, at least in part, the accounts of those who have taken cannabis before intimate intercourse.

Effects of cannabis on sexual activity

As mentioned above, according to those who use it before sex, cannabis and marijuana seeds help them to have a more satisfying experience and a stronger and more consistent sexual desire. We know how the cannabinoids contained in cannabis, in particular THC and CBD, interact with the endocannabinoid system by binding to specific receptors (CB1, CB2). The endocannabinoid system is linked to feelings of pleasure, mood and perception of time: cannabis could thus prolong the duration of sexual intercourse, increasing satisfaction.

Many of the cannabinoid receptors are found in ovarian tissue and in the endometrium, which would confirm, at least partially, that cannabis can indeed affect sex by making it much more pleasurable. In addition, research conducted in 2019 found a complete endocannabinoid system in the human testes.

Added to this is a certain disinhibitory action, which can help to release tension and get carried away more easily.

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Effects of cannabis on sexual activity


The role of cannabis in sex: what does the science say?

Is the experience of many users, who tell how cannabis (generated by feminized seeds) has allowed them to experience exceptional sexual relations, confirmed by science?

Several studies, carried out mainly in the United States since the 1970s, seek scientific confirmation of what cannabis users already know before having intimate relations: the plant has an aphrodisiac effect.

As early as 1984, a study published in the Journal of Sex Research produced some very interesting results:

58% of the men and 32% of the women surveyed said that they experienced more intense orgasms;

50% of men and more than 60% of women reported better chemistry with their partner;

70% of men and 76% of women reported greater satisfaction during sexual intercourse.

This nearly 40-year-old study finds confirmation in more recent research. A survey conducted by US sexologist Amanda Moser analyzed the responses of 811 adults, mostly women between the ages of 18 and 85, who used cannabis on a daily basis. All of them reported that cannabis increased desire and pleasure during intercourse (70% of the sample).

Another study published in the Journal of Sex Medicine involved no less than 51,000 people aged 25-45 and found that women who used cannabis had an average of 7.1 intercourse per month compared to 6.0 for non-users, while men had an average of 6.9 intercourse compared to 5.6 for non-users.

However, there is some work that seems to contradict this: a study by Caroline Klein and other researchers associates a decrease in endocannabinoids with an increase in sexual arousal. Consequently, cannabis would make sex more difficult rather than easier.

The role of cannabis in sex

Another 2010 study in rodents seems to confirm the assumption: the more endocannabinoids were administered, the more desire decreased, which was subsequently restored with cannabis receptor antagonists.

Incidentally, a large questionnaire conducted in 2019 investigated which aspects of sex were better after taking cannabis and which were not. The 350 respondents, of different ages, had had sex under the effects of the substance, reporting varied experiences:

50.8% of women reported reaching orgasm more easily;

16% of the respondents reported substantially positive effects;

about 24% of respondents reported that their experience had been better in some ways and worse in others;

4.7% reported only negative effects.

In short, science has not yet provided a clear answer to the question of whether cannabis actually enhances the sexual experience.

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In conclusion

Does cannabis help with sex or not? As with physical activity in general, the response from many users seems to be positive: cannabis improves performance, creates greater affinity, increases desire and broadens sensory perceptions. However, there are also those who have reported very different effects: difficulty in achieving pleasure and other sexual problems have worsened, rather than improved, the relationship.

Science has been trying for decades to provide a definitive answer to the question, but solid data is needed before we can be sure: many surveys seem to attribute aphrodisiac properties to cannabis, while others report an easier ability to reach a fuller and more satisfying orgasm.

Indeed, cannabis, by binding to the human endocannabinoid system, can facilitate intercourse and make it more pleasurable and deeper, but until science confirms this, we must “make do” with the various anecdotes of users.

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