Cannabis butter: what it is and how it is prepared?

What is cannabis butter and how is it prepared?

Published on: 25/11/2022

Cannabis butter: everything you need to know about its preparation

If you have decided to open this article, you too are part of that group of curious people who would like to know more about cannabis butter.

But since it is not allowed to be cooked, in this article, we will present the recipe for its preparation for information purposes only.

cannabis butter

What is cannabis butter?

Cannabis butter, also known as ‘cannabutter’, is used to prepare homemade edibles.

It is a cooking ingredient that can be added to any recipe, just like regular butter or olive oil, once thoroughly prepared.

This butter is considered by many to be the perfect substitute for smoking because:

  • o it is easy to create
  • o it allows one to be discreet when using marijuana;
  • o it leaves behind no harmful by-products.

How so?

You should know that when cannabis is burned, it creates a tar-like substance that can cause lung irritation, coughing attacks, and even potentially cancerous growths.

But now the question is: how is this edible made?

The basic concept of a cannabutter recipe is to use activated (decarboxylated) cannabis, THC and other cannabinoids and combine it with a low-temperature fatty oil, such as coconut oil or regular butter.

In countries where this is permitted, many use a double boiler or a small saucepan to infuse the ground cannabis with the fatty oil, unfortunately. However, these old methods can adversely affect the result. There is a risk, for example, of accidentally applying too much heat or not knowing how much cannabis flower to include in the recipe.

But let’s take a closer look.

Read also: These are the US states where marijuana is legal.

Alternatives to combustion: eating cannabis

THC and other cannabinoids (CBD, etc.) are fat-soluble and are absorbed by fat after reaching 60 °C.

Based on this principle, some people boil the herb with sufficient butter to become enriched with active cannabis ingredients.

So, here are the parts of the plant that can be used for this recipe:

  • The female flowers (buds) and the small resinous leaves are the parts richest in active ingredients;
  • Large leaves, male plants (with or without flowers), small resinous stems and past plant waste may be used, but this will result in a lower-quality butter with less potency and a more bitter taste.

Except for the roots, the entire plant (fresh or dried) can be recycled and made into cannabutter.

But that’s not all.

While THC is concentrated in the resin glands, CBD, for example, is more in foliage.

Two types of recipes can therefore be distinguished:

  1. One gram of plant material to one gram of butter; this preparation, more concentrated in CBD, will be sedative and very relaxing;
  2. One gram of resinous buds or hashish to five grams of butter: the effect will be more euphoric and sociable but just as intense and long-lasting.

Dosages vary according to the strength of the cannabis used, the strength of the users or the amount of butter used in the recipe.

Cannabis butter dosages

Preparing cannabis butter

Let us now look at how cannabis butter is prepared for purely informational purposes.

First, some people prefer to decarboxylate cannabis before cooking it, which involves heating the cannabis for a particular time to ‘activate the THC’.


Chemically, the THCA molecules lose an acid particle (A = Acid), leaving the THC activated.

THCA is not psychoactive, whereas THC is.

To decarboxylate cannabis, preheat the oven to 107 °C, break it up and spread it on a baking tray covered with aluminium foil.

It is baked for 60 minutes in the middle of the oven and then left to cool.

Well, let’s see how the cannabutter is prepared.

First, the chopped cannabis, butter, and water are mixed in a large pot and left to cook at a low temperature for at least three hours, occasionally stirring with the pot uncovered.

The water evaporates during this action, so it is necessary to add water frequently.

At some point, the mixture will become darker and thicker: the butter is almost ready when you see a lot of fat floating on top, separated from the water underneath.

Then you will have to strain the mixture with a very fine sieve, strainer, or cheesecloth into a resealable dish and squeeze hard to extract as much fat as possible.

Once this is done, you will have to chill the liquid in the refrigerator for a few hours to thicken the butter, run a knife around the edge of the container, and lift it off.

Finally, you will need to scoop out any bits of butter that may have been lost using a skimmer.

That done, we are there!

The cannabis butter can be stored in the fridge for two to three weeks.

Read also: Who discovered cannabis? A brief history of one of the most talked-about plants ever


This article shows us what cannabis butter is and how it is prepared.

However, we know that it is not allowed to make DIY butter, but if you are looking for edibles to enrich your diet, discover the best quality seeds available at Sensory Seeds.

See you soon!